You like your furnishings, but you feel like something is missing. Maybe buying something new would make the room feel complete, but what would that new thing be? You want a space that reflects your style, but you don’t know how to pull it all together. Your room is too big, your room is too small. The list goes on for decorating dilemmas that keep you stuck in a space that does not make you happy. Here are 5 reasons to redecorate using what you already have with Spence ReDesign.

1. You’ve got what it takes. If you are considering redecorating (and reading this article), I think you already have what you need to transform your space. Am I right that you have rooms full of furnishings that you don’t know what to do with it? We surround ourselves with the things we like: your favorite color in an accessory convinced you to buy it, a piece of furniture has lines that reflect you style, or you love that picture because it belonged to your grandmother. Your furnishings reflect you and your style, and that makes them work together. I believe what Joseph Frank said, “The things you like will always blend into a peaceful whole.” Don’t worry whether you have enough, or don’t have enough, of the “right stuff”. Spence Redesign can make less feel like more and more feel like less. I will not judge your style because I believe beauty exists in everything, including the furnishings that you already own.
2. Save money. New does not always mean better, and would you believe you don’t have to spend money to go “shopping”? We shop in your closets, basements, attics, and storage rooms to find lost and hidden treasures. A different set of eyes will see your furnishings in a new light. Buying a new piece of furniture will not always give you better results, and costs more than a room redesign. But if we decide together that there is a piece of furniture or accessory needed to complete the design, Spence Redesign will give you a detailed list of what to buy. That way you won’t buy what you don’t need, and you can shop with confidence knowing that it will work in your space.
3. A unique process called Visual Coordinations will transform your space by using what you already have. The first step in the redecorating process is to empty the room as much as possible. This is a great opportunity to clean out all the dust bunnies (another advantage to redecorating using what you already have.) With an empty room, the second step is to read the architecture to determine the focal points and room shapes. The furniture and accessories are then placed in alignment with the architecture. The result is a whole new look and feel. Imagine creating beauty, comfort, and renewal just by rearranging what you already have. That is what Visual Coordinations and Spence Redesign can achieve.
4. Save time and get quick results. After a 30-minute evaluation of your space, we will schedule a day for the redesign. The transformation will take about 5-8 hours to complete. By “shopping” in your home and using what you already have, you don’t have to wait for orders to come in. Also, you don’t have to wait for floor plans to be done, because the steps of Visual Coordinations takes place live, in your space. You will enjoy your “new” room that same evening.
5. You will be amazed at the results, guaranteed. Time and time again clients who use Spence Redesign are completely surprised at the transformation using what they already own. My guarantee is that if you don’t love it, I will move it back to the way it was with no charge to you.
Here is what Kimberly C. said about her redesign – “I love the fact that Sandra used everything that I have, I didn’t think these things worked together, and I love the end result."


I believe you already have what you need to create a space that reflects you. The answers to your decorating dilemmas are available through the process of Visual Coordinations. In a nutshell, you can achieve beauty, comfort and renewal in one day by rearranging what you already have for less than what new furniture would cost.
Spence ReDesign